Filing Lawsuits After Fires Or Explosions

February 23, 2015

Filing lawsuits after fires or explosions

When homes in Pennsylvania are subject to fires or explosions, the resulting losses are sometimes difficult to come to terms with. Not only can loved ones and family pets perish in the blaze, but irreplaceable items with great sentimental value may be lost forever. Even if all family members escape a fire without injury, the following weeks and months can be extremely challenging. If you have experienced a house fire, your budget may be stretched to breaking point by the need to replace numerous items at one time. You may also be forced to deal with the upheaval of living in temporary accommodation if the damage to your home was severe.

While many fires are caused by cooking mishaps or negligence on the part of a family member, many others are the result of faulty wiring, poor workmanship or defective products. If you feel that your fire was caused by the negligence of an individual or company, you may have civil remedies available to you. You may also have a claim if smoke detectors installed in the home failed to work properly even if a family member caused the fire.

However, this is a challenging area to litigate because evidence is often hard to come by due to the destructive nature of fires. Our experience in this area make us familiar with these challenges, and we can call upon experts to comb through the ashes and piece together the events leading up to the blaze.

These efforts should take place while the scene is fresh if they are to be productive, and you may wish to act quickly if you feel that the circumstances surrounding your fire require scrutiny. If you would like more information about your legal options in situations like this, please visit our page dealing with fires or explosions.